Snow lotus and cosmetic |
Author : ATPchems Date : 4/8/2015 6:22:26 PM |
Snow lotus is a precious and rare perennial herb that survives over 21,000 feet above sea level in the Himalayan Mountains, where temperatures drop 70 degrees below zero. Because of its special group of natural proteins and enzymes that continuously repair and renew its living cells, this plant can live and blossom in extreme conditions where no other plants can even grow. The Snow lotus flower is full of compounds that benefit the skin, including antioxidants, flavonoids, fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Its anti-inflammatory properties can calm swelling, redness and outbreaks. This magnificent flower helps stimulate blood flow and cell regeneration for a healthy youthful look. It is recognized for its healing and high antioxidant properties and used for a wide array treatments and illnesses. Some believe it has the ability to prolong life. In cosmetics, it is recognized for the ability to brighten/whiten, soothe, stimulate and regenerate the skin as well as to fight the signs of aging. |